Academy of Management Reviewer 2010, 2011, 2012
Southern Management Association Reviewer 2010,
2011, 2012
Best Student Paper, ABSEL 2013
Distinguished Reviewer, Entrepreneurship Division,
Academy of Management 2012
SMA Best Reviewer
Award, Entrepreneurship/Information Technology/Innovation, 2011
Journal of Business Research Ad Hoc Reviewer, 2011
Rawls College of Business, Area of Management Coordinator’s Teaching
Award, 2012
Rawls College of Business Scholarship,
Texas Tech University 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
University-wide Assistantship,
University of Georgia, 2002
President’s Scholarship, Georgia Institute
of Technology, 1996
Georgia Pacific Foundation Scholarship, 1996
Georgia Governor’s Scholarship, 1996
Robert C. Byrd Scholarship, 1996
Target All-Around Scholarship,
State Winner, 1996
LinkedIn Profile